Info e Regolamento gara staffetta PreO
La staffetta deve essere composta da due frazionisti, senza limiti di sesso o disabilità. Per la partecipazione al Trofeo delle Regioni, vedi ulteriori indicazioni nel regolamento.
Categoria unica Open Elite
NB nella categoria Open Elite possono iscriversi gli atleti della categoria Paralimpici.
Cartellino di gara: unico per ambedue i frazionisti
Punti totali percorso: 24
Primo frazionista: deve effettuare 12 punzonature liberamente scelte con il punzone personale
Secondo frazionista: deve completare le 12 punzonature rimanenti con il punzone personale che deve differenziarsi da quello del 1° frazionista.
Punti a Tempo: n. 2 posti alla fine del percorso di gara e i medesimi per ambedue i frazionisti.
Tempo max unico e totale per i due frazionisti.
Partenza in massa alle ore 14 primi frazionisti, a seguire secondi frazionisti.
Sequenza operazioni
Classifica modalità
Ogni staffetta acquisisce un punteggio finale derivante dal numero di punzonature corrette fornite dai due frazionisti e a parità di punzonature corrette dal minor tempo totale impiegato nel fornire le risposte ai punti a tempo.
In caso di parità è previsto l’ex equo.
PreO Relay
Each team shall consist of two competitors, regardless of sex, age or physical ability/disability
Classes: there is a single Open Elite class.
Control card: single for each team.
Total number of controls: 24 + 2 time controls
First competitor of each team: he has to solve exactly 12 controls, which he can freely choose, by using his own manual punch.
Second competitor of each team: he has to solve the remaining 12 problems, by using his own manual punch, which must necessarily be different from the punch used by the first competitor of the same team.
Time controls: 1 timed control station with 2 time controls, located at the end of the course and the same for both the competitors of each team.
Maximum time for the course: there will be a single total maximum time for the course. Each team has to complete the course within this maximum time.
Start: mass start at 2 PM for the competitors on the first leg.
Detailed description of the procedure
All competitors will reach the start area in time. The same area will be used as relay station and quarantine zone.
Mass and quarantine start at 2 PM.
At the end of his leg, the first member of each team will hand on his map and his control card to the second member (no time suspension, no card check) . The second member of the team will then begin his leg.
At the end of his leg, the first competitor has to the go to the timed control station.
The first competitor of each team will solve the timed controls.
After solving the timed controls, the first competitor will reach the meeting area. Access to competition area and quarantine zone is forbidden.
After solving his 12 problems, the second competitor of each team will go to the timed control station.
The second competitor solves the timed controls.
The second competitor and, therefore, his team conclude their competition.
Control cards are checked and results are calculated.
Teams are ranked according to the total point score and, when necessary, to the total time employed by their two members at the timed control station.
Joint placing will be assigned in case of equality of points and time between two or more teams.