2 DAYS OF Orienteering - Pradis Clauzetto (PN) - 13 and 14 September 2014


13.9 Trail orienteering

Regional Relay Race PreO
Italian Regions TrailO Trophy

14.9 Trail orienteering

Italian Championship TempO
Italian Regions TrailO Trophy

Assegna titolo italiano

14/9  Corsa orientamento

14.9 Foot orienteering

Youth Trophy inter

Grotte verdi di Pradis Grotte Verdi


  13/9 - Trail-O relay PreO

Meeting: 13:00 at the parking of the "Grotte Verdi" Pradis

Classes: Open Elite / Paralympic (one category)

Non-competitive categories: Beginners / schools

Map: Pradis Clauzetto ISOM2000 made ​​in the year 2014 - 1: 5000, equidistance 5 m

Updated around control area by Fulvio Lenarduzzi for the TrailO.

Registration: sending an email to: info@semiperdo.it no later than Tuesday, September 9.

Only for the category ESO will be able to register on-site before the start.

Fees: Elite EUR 7.00 per leg. Beginners / schools 5,00 euro.

Start: Mass start at 14:00

Punching: Manual with personal punch

Note: the race is as valid as the 10th round of international CRO-ITA-SLO TrailO Cup 2014
and as a “Italy Regions TrailO Trophy - Issue 0" day 1

Type of race: Elite: relay with 2 legs. Beg/School: individual classic PreO (no relay).

Type of Ground: mostly mountainous karst forest landscape with rocks and meadows.

Prizes: Sunday 14th 14:30 at the meeting

| Rules relay race Pre-O |

| Rules Trophy Regions |



Domenica 14/9 - Trail-O Campionato Italiano TempO

Meeting: 13:00 at the parking of the "Grotte Verdi" Pradis

Classes: Open Elite - assigns the Italian title

Map: Pradis Clauzetto ISOM2000 made ​​in the year 2014 - 1: 5000, equidistance 5 m

Updated around control area by Fulvio Lenarduzzi for the TrailO.

Entries: by sending an email to: info@semiperdo.it no later than Tuesday, September 9.

Fees: 10.00 euro.

Start: the first competitor will start at 12.00.

Punching: Manual with personal punch

Note: The race is valid as the 2nd TempO Italian Championship
11th Round of international CRO-ITA-SLO TrailO Cup 2014
TempO FVG Regional Championship
and as a “Italy Regions TrailO Trophy - Issue 0" day 2

Type of race: TempO

Type of ground: Wooded Landscape with rocks and mountain meadows

Prizes: 14:30 at the caves of Pradis

| Time Regulations |

| Guidelines Time |

| Rules Trophy Regions |



Il bosco di Pradis
Il bosco di Pradis


Comitato tecnico


  PreO TempO CO
Tracciatore Lenarduzzi Fulvio Lenarduzzi Fulvio Liva Nicolò
Direttore di gara Nardi Mauro Nardi Mauro Nardi Mauro
Segreteria Zorat Gabriella Zorat Gabriella Zorat Gabriella
Premiazioni De Masellis Giovanna De Masellis Giovanna De Masellis Giovanna
Elaborazione dati Mattioni Flavio Mattioni Flavio Mattioni Flavio
Sito web Foschian Andrea Foschian Andrea Foschian Andrea
Logistica Semiperdo Orienteering Semiperdo Orienteering Semiperdo Orienteering
Assistenza sanitaria CRI CRI CRI



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